Why isn’t My Air Conditioner Working? It’s Almost Brand New!
Like your furnace, your air conditioner should enjoy a long and healthy life with the help of a regular schedule of preventative maintenance. But sometimes you just have bad luck.
Insulation Maybe the insulation surrounding key points in your AC system is rotting away from the inside.
AC Slab Maybe the concrete air conditioner slab is sinking and the coolant lines are stressed.
Condenser Maybe the condenser has become clogged.
Parts Maybe one of the many moving internal parts has worn out before its expected useful lifespan.
Whatever the problem is, it’s left you with a struggling or completely ineffective AC system and your family is feeling the heat. Your local ClimateCare can sort out the issue and make your home a sanctuary again.
Save 20% On Air Conditioner Repairs!
Most air conditioners claim to last 15-20 years or more, and most should. But in that time frame, it’s almost guaranteed some sort of repair will be needed. Regular air conditioner maintenance goes a long way to preventing the need for repairs. As an added bonus, WeCARE Maintenance Plan members receive a 20% discount on any repairs when and if the need arises.