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Why Do Air Conditioners Freeze

Why do Air Conditioners Freeze? Get Immediate Attention if They Freeze Up If it’s the middle of summer and your air conditioner freezes up with its coils covered in ice, […]

Why is my Furnace Filter Black

A black furnace filter is a red flag that something could be seriously wrong with your heating system. While it may be that you haven’t changed the filter in a […]

Help, My Furnace Is Leaking Water When The AC Is Running!

The thought of having your furnace leak water while the air conditioner is running is terrifying. While this sounds like a serious problem with your furnace, most of the time it’s […]

When Does a Heat Pump Work in the Winter?

As part of a hybrid heating system, a heat pump to help with winter heating demands can save you a lot of money here in Ontario. Heat pumps work by […]
