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How to Get That Dreaded Summer Humidity Under Control

If there’s one thing we can guarantee about an Ontario spring and summer, it’s that they are humid as heck. It’s the home invader you can’t see. But boy, can […]

What you can do to combat summertime humidity (and when you should call in an expert)

As Glenn Frey sang in his 1984 pop hit, “The heat is on!” And boy, is it ever! You know that old saying, nothing is certain except death and taxes. […]

Symptoms of Dry Air in Your Home and How to Fix It

Many people in Canada are very uncomfortable through the winter and are unaware that the dry air in their homes is a major contributor. The good news is that they […]

The Benefits of a Whole House Humidifier to Families in Ontario

What does your humidifier situation look like? Some families take the strength in numbers approach. Sometime in November, they bring the humidifier brigade out of storage and put one on […]

8 Ways a Humidifier Makes Winter Life Immediately Better

Winter air is so, so dry, and a whole house humidifier is the best way to keep that dryness from ruining your winter cheer. Even humidity levels throughout the home […]
