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What we look at when we assess your furnace

Getting your furnace regularly inspected is the key to keeping it operating safely and efficiently throughout the winter. An efficient furnace not only runs less frequently, it also uses less energy so your utility bills stay under control. Most people only think about their furnace when something goes wrong. Professional technicians work with heating systems every day, so they know how to keep your system running smoothly.

A Complete Cleaning and Safety Inspection

Air Filter - Air ConditionerHere is what you can expect from your next furnace maintenance visit:

  • Check the Air Filter. A dirty filter not only circulates dirty air throughout your home, it can also prevent the furnace from operating safely and efficiently.
  • Clean All Components. A clean furnace is a safe furnace. A thorough cleaning includes all components, the blower assembly, fans, pulleys, and belts.
  • Check Connections. All electrical connections should be free from damage and wear to prevent dangerous accidents.
  • Check Fittings. Each fitting and line on a gas furnace should be air tight to prevent leakage. All safety controls will also be inspected.
  • Check the Heat Exchanger. Cracks or corrosion on the heat exchanger are dangerous and require immediate attention.
  • Complete Inspection. The rest of the furnace will be checked for any signs of damage or wear, and any moving parts will be lubricated to ensure proper functioning.

Common Signs of Trouble

If your furnace suddenly starts making whining, banging, or other strange sounds, there could be trouble with a belt or other component that is failing. Also, if you have to keep nudging the thermostat up just to keep your home warm, it might be time for a furnace repair. If you notice a sudden jump in your energy bills but the outside temperatures have been relatively steady, it’s probably a good idea to schedule a furnace repair right away.

Less-Common Symptoms

WHAT WE LOOK AT WHEN WE ASSESS YOUR FURNACEThere are a few things that might not be so common that could point to trouble. When in doubt, always contact a heating specialist to be sure your furnace is operating safely.

  • Yellow Pilot. The pilot light on your gas furnace should be burning blue. A yellow pilot could point to trouble.
  • Chilly Rooms. If most of your home is comfortable, but one or two rooms are always chilly, your furnace might need to be repaired or upgraded.
  • Poor Air Quality. A failing furnace can cycle irritants and allergens through your home and cause trouble for allergy and asthma sufferers.
  • Age. It might seem like your furnace is doing just fine. However, if it is old enough for its own driver’s license, you should think about replacing it with a newer, more efficient model soon.

Expert Care

The best time to schedule a visit is before you need a furnace repair. A complete inspection can often solve common problems before they become major headaches and leave you in the cold. Of course, the unexpected always happens – that’s why our Emergency Hotline is guaranteed to return your call within one hour. Whether you need routine maintenance or are in need of immediate furnace repair, we’re here to help. Find your local ClimateCare member today!
