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What you can do to combat summertime humidity (and when you should call in an expert)

As Glenn Frey sang in his 1984 pop hit, “The heat is on!” And boy, is it ever! You know that old saying, nothing is certain except death and taxes. […]

Do I Need a Permit to Have an AC Unit Installed?

With warmer weather on the way, people’s attention will soon be turning to how they can keep themselves cool inside rather than on keeping the house warm. If you are […]

How to Winterize and Prepare Your AC for Winter

With the seemingly quick transition from summer to winter in Ontario, it’s important to prepare your air conditioning unit before the first snowfall. By winterizing your AC, you can protect […]

How Do Ductless Air Conditioners Work? Test Your Knowledge

  Are you wondering how ductless air conditioners work, or why they’re a popular alternative for homeowners? As real estate costs continue to rise, many homes are becoming smaller. Ductless air conditioners are a […]

4 A/C Problems Caused by a Dirty Air Filter & How To Deal With Them

Though clogged air filters are one of the most common problems affecting the functionality of air conditioner systems, the filter is usually the most ignored item of your HVAC system, […]

Air Conditioner Preventative Maintenance – Why You Can’t Ignore It

Just like ordinary wear and tear on your car necessitates regular maintenance, exposure to the elements and the consistent, heavy workload means your air conditioner requires some TLC from time […]

Should I Run My Ceiling Fan with Air Conditioner?

If you’re like many people, you probably wonder whether a ceiling fan is a good investment for your home and if you should run your ceiling fan alongside your air […]

What is Heat Temperature Sensitivity?

Everybody deals with hot and cold temperatures differently, and for people who have heat temperature sensitivity, the warm weather can leave them feeling awful. Also referred to as heat intolerance, […]

How Long Can an AC Compressor Last?

The short answer is that your AC compressor and refrigerant should last about 12-15 years. Learning what crucial components, and how to maintain the compressor, can keep your AC running […]

Should Your Thermostat Fan Be ON or AUTO?

This summer – whether you have a manual or smart thermostat  from ClimateCare in your home – chances are you’ve wondered whether the air conditioner fan should be set to […]
